Young Living Oils
Why Young Living you ask? Because they work, it is that simple. This company chooses to produce a top of the line, therapeutic grade essential oil that not only smells amazing in a diffuser or on my clothes but also has a lot of amazing health benefits as well. If you are looking for something to support your body in every aspect of your life, you have finally found it! These products are life changing, are you ready for this amazing change in your life?
Fertility Coaching
You have dreamed all your life about being a mother. You desire to have a baby more than your next breath. Your every waking moment is consumed with thinking about it. What am I doing wrong? What is wrong with me? Why can’t I get pregnant? Every question is like a dagger that digs deeper and deeper with every passing month. Your hopes and dreams are destroyed by one word, infertility. I know this for a fact, because it was me over 13 years ago. I was in the same place you are and had no one to turn to with questions or for support. No one understood what I was feeling or going through. I am here to tell you that you are not alone and I am here to help you.
Leader & Influencer
Are you aware of the impact you have on others? Like most people, you are probably completely oblivious to it. Sharing your ideas, your thoughts and your stories are all part of being a leader. Your opinions have a large impact on people around you. The thing about leadership is that we need to practice the part of knowing when to lead and knowing when to listen. This can be tricky as we first start to develop and fine tune our leadership skills. I am so excited to share with you some amazing leadership skills that not only affect your business but also your personal life.
As we hustle through life, moving through the motions on a daily basis, we rarely understand and appreciate our purpose in this life. Have you ever thought about your purpose? Why were you placed on this earth and what impact will you be able to have on others? How often do you take the time to truly ask yourself “what do I really want to do?” Or ask yourself how you want to feel each day? I didn’t know these answers for many years. In fact, I didn’t even ask the questions.
I just went through life frustrated with many different situations and challenges that I had to face, always wondering “why me?” But from those challenges, came by biggest blessings! I didn’t know it at the time, but those difficult moments turned into opportunities to dig deep within myself, uncover my purpose and connect to the reason I was placed on this earth, with you at this particular time.
My husband and I were lead down the fertility journey because there was a purpose for us far greater than we realized. We may not have understood at the time where this road was going to lead us, but I am forever grateful that we were on that road together. Because now, I get to offer support to other families struggling with fertility. I get to serve in my higher purpose, helping others go down what can be a long, scary, expensive and emotional rollercoaster. I didn’t choose this, it chose me and I am forever grateful that it did. There is no greater joy, than honoring your calling and mine is giving support to fertility families around the world!